This is the home to the NIU STEAM Learning Networks. All content, recordings, and data that are associated with the Learning Network will remain in the course shells.

Are you looking for ways to make your learning experiences more relevant to students? The idea that many STEAM projects cost a lot of money because they require specific technology or devices can feel overwhelming to any school or district. Yet we believe every child should experience a STEAM education. In this learning network we will dive into what it takes to create sustainable, place-based, service-learning experiences in your classroom and district. The sessions will build on each other, creating a series of steps you can take to accomplish a service-learning or place based learning experience for your classroom.  

In the Sustainable STEAM interactive discussions you will 

  • Understand the differences between place-based learning and service-learning and the importance of each (including the time and place for each type) 

  • Learn about the steps to setting up a learning experience that is sustainable and repeatable with different student groups. 

  • Be fully supported in the creation of your learning experience. 

Target Audience: K-12 educators, administrators 

STEAM Stories connects STEAM learning to storytelling. Over the course of the five sessions, we will explore how you can use a variety of stories, narratives, and non-fiction to engage students in STEAM content. During each interactive session you will dive into different books and discuss how to use the story to set up STEAM exploration. You will also have an opportunity for Q&A with NIU STEAM team members and fellow educators. At the end of each session, you will have ideas for books and activities you can use with your students.  

In the STEAM Stories interactive discussions, you will 

  • Participate in a STEAM activity based on the book selection for the month.  

  • Discuss strategies for connecting STEAM concepts to English and Language Arts.  

  • Explore resources and ideas for using books and narratives in all subject areas.  

Target Audiences: K-8 educators, library media specialists, administrators.